Sunday, December 20, 2009

Spending my Sunday at home finishing my DVD! Ltr gg pickup things then dinner at uncle place! Tml on leave till 4 Jan!!! Went town with son ystday to take pictures n walk abit bt mo mood to shop sian so much people n $ low! Order turkey n jam, cake for Xmas already! Great better then squeeze with people outside on eve n like that kyden can't go poor thing!!

Looking for milk bottles at cheap price as I need store milk!!
Kyden still at 100ml now per feed!!!
He's growing well 5+ kg now already!!
Can smile,laugh and recongnise too!! He's a big boy now already!
Jus last feed is 1+ am then morning 4+ to 6+ then he will wakeup for milk compare to last time he wakeup every 3 hours that's very tiring!!! Overall kyden growing well n big!!!

Isaac worst, getting naughty!!! Don't wanna do homework o ly wan play n watch cartoon then when I'm home he goodboy!! Zzz
his Chinese still not well after 3 lesson omg! I can't teach him too because I can't n mg Chinese no good la!!!

Pumping milk is still so good so far! Got glass bottle from motherhood forum bt not much but odd gd there are gd mummies who give when they dont need, I spend alot on milk bottle, milkbag but compare to formula it's still cheaper la nit so expensive then it and also BM is still better then anything on shelves!!!

I never regret having to wakeup early to pump milk slp late n hving little time f0r myself! It's the best a mother can give no one else!! So I'm very determinted to feed till kyden is 18 months old or till my milk runs out!!!
Think my husband will be happy to gear me gg to BF till so long because I help him save $$!!

Hope my BM can mk kyden less prob to shvkbess n also smarter n fatter? Lolsss

gg watch movie le! Bye!!

Bringing Isaac to watch cartoon on Monday or Tuesday!!!!

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