Thursday, February 5, 2009

i have not been blogging for so long.

Too many things on hand to do and tired everyday.

Plus my lappy crash! Crazy!!!!
Sad as the repair fees is high!


I heard some news that maybe we wont have increment & Bonus this year!

Lucky i got my 13 months already!

Work is pretty much the same.
Report. Report. Report!
Nothing else.

Will be gg thailand soon and we was wondering if we are still going as the place there is not safe now!
Cant delay nor change as the air line refused as we back out then get $0 back!
Damm it!

After the thailand trip will be HDB 1st appointment!

Hope everything goes well!

Yesterday was spend at Boss house for some BBQ, with our department

Lazy bye

So random i know

Bad news is all over!
♥ 说好的幸福呢 ♥

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